Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

330 - Tailspin

When the stomach meds aren't working so well and the best thing to do is be still on the couch, finishing a good book seems to the be the best thing to do.  For a while, I've been telling myself that I really need to keep a list of the books I've read.  I typically read fast, and they're the typical psycho-thriller or crime drama books, so they're easily forgettable.  Well, the 3 books I read before Tailspin I realized that I'd read before but didn't pick up on it from the small amount on the cover.  And while I thought I'd read Tailspin before (when I started reading it), the further I got into it, I realized I hadn't.  Yea!

The nice thing about finishing a book is that there's another one waiting on the shelf to be read.

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