For the past two weeks, I've been at the theatre working on
After The Murders. Since we opened the show this past weekend, there will be no formal "murders" until Friday night. That said, I haven't seen my bowling team in 3 weeks, and it was good to be back with them. Now, we just need to get back on our game so we can come up in the league standings! We managed to take 5 of the 7 points tonight, which will help (even though I bowled horribly). Shout out to my mother who made our team towels. I gave them to my teammates, and they absolutely loved them!!!
And I have to talk about my "kids". Diva skipped her breakfast, and still hadn't eaten dinner by the time I got home. So, I gave her fresh food and sprinkled some cat food on it to entice her. Oliver thought he should get some. He actually managed to push Diva away from her own bowl, and she didn't snap, growl or anything. Just finished her bite and nudged Oliver out of the way again. It was cute and comical.
A little friendly competition goes a long way!