While I'm the first to admit that my neighborhood is at the low end of the Mandarin scale, we've never had problems here in the 13 years I've lived here. Everyone is either nice or keeps to themselves. Then 18 months or so ago, this yah-hoo moved in to a townhouse at the other end of this building. From day one, that negative energy was like a neon billboard to me. I went out of my way to avoid him, and to this day have not spoken to the man.
In August, I was working from home one day when EMT's drove up into the cul-de-sac. I look out the door and see it's some skinny woman that I've seen at the Idiot's place. My next door neighbor is already outside, and she tells me that he was beating on his girlfriend. The cops came, and they did eventually take him away. I don't remember how long he was gone, but you could feel the atmosphere around our cul-de-sac change. But, he was released; she dropped the charges.
Then on Sept. 15th, I went out front to get the bike ready to go to rehearsal, and my next door neighbor got home. I had noticed that the Idiot was talking to another neighbor (one who lives right next door to him) when I first went out, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. She escaped inside, then I hear him saying nasty things to my neighbor. After 3 or 4 statements, she finally turned around to him and said, "Are you talking to me?" I refuse to repeat what he said, but it was vulgar. I went on to rehearsal, but when I got home, she came back out to tell me the rest of the story ....
Seems that he didn't let up. And when her boyfriend (who used to live here and is one of the nicest guys I've ever met) came by, the Idiot lit into him as well. Actually, she said that most of the neighbors were out of their homes by then. The Idiot was getting into everyone's face, and actually pushed Jeff. (Boyfriend, who used to live next door.) Jeff evidently didn't back off much, and the Idiot went into his house and brought out a 3 foot sword. No, I don't mis-type ... a sword! As he was coming at Jeff, Jeff was on the phone with 911 telling them what was going on. The Idiot isn't too stupid because he put the sword back inside before the cops got there.
It's now over 2 weeks later and fortunately, he's still in jail. My next door neighbor had her hearing today as she filed a restraining order against him. The judge was favorable to her throughout the entire thing, and granted the restraining order. The Idiot cannot come within 500 feet of her, which means he cannot enter his home. The judge went so far as to tell him he needs to find a new place to live. (He is the only renter in our building.) 2 of my other neighbors still have their hearings against him, as does Jeff.
I check the JSO Inmate Search almost daily to make sure he's still incarcerated. He's being held on 3 counts: Battery/Simple; Assault/Agg/ with a deadly weapon without intent to kill; Lewd and Lascivious behavior. All of these have a status of "awaiting trial" and from what I understand, the aggravated assault charge will keep him from being out on bond.
While I am very, very grateful the judge granted the restraining order, I told my neighbor that I don't put it past someone like him to return to do property damage. She also has her motorcycle out front, and we've both stated we will tuck the bikes away when he is released.
I know - the positive. The positive is that the judge could see right through his lies and told him he has to move. Trust me, I think we'll have a block party when the Idiot moves. This is definitely a step in the right direction.
Off to rehearsal.
TTFN!My numbering got mixed up. I doubled up day 59, so had to skip 61. :-)
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