About a month ago, my Motorola Q went belly up and the company gave me the VX6800 (see blog 175 - Technology). I thought that I would do well with a phone that had a slide-out keyboard, but was I ever wrong. After well over 2 years with the Q, I could not acclimate to having to use 2 hands to do anything. Monday night sunk the VX6800. I was at bowling and the President of the company needed the numbers in an email I'd sent to someone else earlier that day. No problem; I'd just forward it to him. Nope. The VX6800 would not let me sync my Sent folder. So, while still at bowling, I sent a long email to my boss explaining why that phone would not work for me. Today, I got my new HTC Ozone.
The Ozone is basically a Blackberry clone, very similar to the Q. In just a couple hours, I was navigating around it like I'd had it for weeks. There's some view functions on the home screen that I actually like better than the Q. Still have some things to setup - the Q used a Mini disk and the Ozone uses a Micro, so I need to get all of my ringtones off of the Mini to put on the Ozone. I did have my major ringtones on my computer at work, so calls not in my address book, Mother, Dad and TAC are all identifiyable, as well as emails and text alerts. Most of my technology is setup with specific sounds - I'm lost without them.
Still need to get a skin, which I found I can get in Tennessee Orange (WOOT!) and a snap-in belt clip, but for the most part, I feel like I'm functioning again.
Attitude? It's better today too. Managed to get a decent night's sleep, which did wonders. Doesn't make the weight of stuff at work any lighter, but at least I have more resilience.
Lady Vols are televised tonight .... Time to put on my orange sweatshirt and get Diva to give me my end of the couch!
Me and my RAZOR will remain silent about this post.