Today was a day for visiting ... both lunch and early evening. After work, I headed over to the rehab center to spend some time with MRM. She developed pneumonia while there and hadn't been eating much, so I figured strawberry cheesecake ice cream was in order. Stopped at Baskin Robins to pick up 2 scoops for her. Dinner was already finished by the time I arrived, so it was perfect time for dessert. We chatted and caught up. She ate 1 scoop then said she'd save the rest for later. But, as I was getting ready to leave, she decided it was time to finish it. I took that to be a good sign. She's working her rehab as hard as she possibly can, but the body has its own time-clock. Am beseeching the Universe to help her along as quickly as possible.

Time to relax on a Friday evening. Long, busy, FUN day tomorrow.
I. Love. Ice cream!