Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Friday, December 18, 2009

139 - Half Empty

I was thinking about my blog while driving home from the show last night, and figured I'd sleep on it.  Maybe in the morning my attitude would be better.  Nope.  Still have a crummy attitude, and for now my view of the world is half empty.  I know this will pass, though.

Ok.  The positive in Thursday.  I got through the show without any major catastrophes.  Was I pleased with my performance?  No.  I dropped a few lines, jumped a few, and screwed up one word in my ballad.  For the life of me, I could not get my head in the game last night.  My thoughts were all over the place while on stage ... seeming to think of everything except the scenes, and then being worried that I wasn't thinking about the scenes.  Fortunately, I guess my acting has gotten to the point that even with all that going on in my head, the audience (including theatre peeps) don't see it.  Caryl and I talked a little afterwards, and she said she didn't see it.  She would be the first to spot it, so it must have been ok.

Our young Teddy was entertaining us with her thoughts and philosophies back stage again.  She told us that she already knew how she would know the man she was to marry.  Her comment went something like this:  When I start singing the love song from Phantom of the Opera, he'll join in.  That's who I'll marry.  There was more, but this was the most precious.


Some holiday cat cheer:


  1. That looked like one of our cats - and sounded like something she would say.
    Hope your glass fills up today. Mine is shakily half full.
