Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

152 - Travelling Buddies

They're my kids.  While I have a wonderful house-sitter, I prefer to take them with me when I go to Tennessee.  They know the trip and the drill.  Diva sleeps when the truck is moving.  Oliver, not so much.  This trip, however, he was very good.  When he did fuss, it wasn't loud, and he spent most of the time riding on my lap, probably because it was warm.  When we get to TN, both kids know the routine.  Oliver knows right where everything is in his domain, downstairs.  Diva knows to run around the house from the downstairs door to the front door to spend time upstairs.  And at 2 1/2 years old, she was very calm and very good when we had a house full of people on Monday (including a 3 year old and 17 month old).  I'm very, very fortunate.

Had fun today with my GPS on the way home.  While yes, I knew the route, I liked that it told me how much further I had before my next turn and which direction to turn (including which direction interstate exits and changes were). 

The final positive of note for today - I can sleep in my own bed tonight, which has room for all 3 of us.


Oliver - riding on my lap.

And of course, an LOLCat!

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