Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

149 - Oh, Excuse Me

Today's positives:
Homecooked breakfast.
Avoiding the traffic in Pigeon Forge
Looking at some crazy stuff in the Cast Iron store and the tools store
Going into Bass Pro Shop that was bigger than a WalMart store
Having Benedryl work fairly quickly
Seeing how Diva has grown into such a good girl
Homemade chili for dinner
Setting up the Wii and then 4 of us bowling
Early to bed

The funniest thing today, though, happened in the tool store.  There's this prank gift called a "Fart Box."  It's a little speaker that you can hide under someone's chair, and then press the remote control for it to go off.  Well, they had them there, and they also had a demo one to play with.  I, of course, couldn't resist.  I was pressing it to see all the different sounds, and these two guys walked over to look at some stuff near by.  I pressed the button; the box farts; they both glanced my direction.  "Oh, excuse me," I said.  They had kind of a sheepish look on their face until Mother and I started laughing and then they saw the demo.  It was just too funny.  Father's day is coming!

Tomorrow, I finally get to meet my 17 month old "nephew" (my cousin's son).  I cannot wait to meet him and see Lily, his sister, again.


1 comment:

  1. Cast Iron stores, Bass pro shops, tools store, fart boxes?
    Where are you... Tennessee or some thing? Oh yeah... you are.

