Most of you who know Oliver or know of Oliver know that he's my "special needs" kitty. In some ways, he's the feline equivalent to the 6 Million Dollar man.
Dr. G called this morning with the results of Oliver's latest blood tests. We just completed our last option for trying to get the calcium levels in his blood down. First it was a tiny pill of Fosamax twice a week for 7 weeks. No change. Then we doubled it, but the side affects didn't allow that to continue. The it was Fosaomax and Prednisone twice a week for 7 weeks. There were still some side affects but not nearly like when we doubled the Fosamax. Today, she said there was still no change in his calcium levels. He's just going to remain a hypercalcimic cat.
He was diagnosed with megacolon when he was only 10 months old. (Neurological disorder that keeps the colon from functioning properly.) He's been on medication for over 8 years now, and has had multiple procedures for it. While constipation is a side affect of hypercalicemia, I don't think that is what causes the colon issue. Just Mom's gut speaking. He also had issues with bladder crystals, which were calcemic so we know they're directly from the hypercalcemia. 2 and a half years ago, he had the reconstructive surgery and while he's had bladder infections, he hasn't had a blockage since.
I've let this chew around in the back of my mind during a very busy, brain numbing day and rehearsal tonight. And while I know Dr. G would have liked to get his calcium levels down (because of the problems hypercalcemia can cause), I'm ok with this. I've done my research and know what we could be facing down the road. I know what to look for, and some of the treatments (like an IV in the house for subquetanious fluids) we've already done.
Oliver - My Boy - is the best cat I've ever had. I give him liquid meds twice a day, and while he might fuss at me on the way to the sink, he doesn't fight me. I've popped pills down his throat and stuck needles under his skin. He sleeps almost every night partially under the covers with his head on my shoulder or leaning against me. He's become friends with a dog (*gasp*) and tonight came inside from the porch when I told him it was time to come inside.
The first vet, 8+ years ago, said with the megacolon condition he might not make it more than a couple of years. He's over 9 years old and really, he's going strong. I told him that he has to live until at least 20 years old to bring the cost per year down .... and he promised me he would.
The cost of the meds, procedures, special food, etc., is only money. He puts his trust in me to take care of him and for a cat, gives me unconditional love back. He'll live with his hypercalcemia and continue to give me kitty kisses on the ride home from the vets.
Oliver will beat all the odds. I promise. He promises.
PS - the pics were from last Friday when he told me, "Enough work Mom. Pay attention to MEEE!"
Dr. G called this morning with the results of Oliver's latest blood tests. We just completed our last option for trying to get the calcium levels in his blood down. First it was a tiny pill of Fosamax twice a week for 7 weeks. No change. Then we doubled it, but the side affects didn't allow that to continue. The it was Fosaomax and Prednisone twice a week for 7 weeks. There were still some side affects but not nearly like when we doubled the Fosamax. Today, she said there was still no change in his calcium levels. He's just going to remain a hypercalcimic cat.
I've let this chew around in the back of my mind during a very busy, brain numbing day and rehearsal tonight. And while I know Dr. G would have liked to get his calcium levels down (because of the problems hypercalcemia can cause), I'm ok with this. I've done my research and know what we could be facing down the road. I know what to look for, and some of the treatments (like an IV in the house for subquetanious fluids) we've already done.
Oliver - My Boy - is the best cat I've ever had. I give him liquid meds twice a day, and while he might fuss at me on the way to the sink, he doesn't fight me. I've popped pills down his throat and stuck needles under his skin. He sleeps almost every night partially under the covers with his head on my shoulder or leaning against me. He's become friends with a dog (*gasp*) and tonight came inside from the porch when I told him it was time to come inside.
The first vet, 8+ years ago, said with the megacolon condition he might not make it more than a couple of years. He's over 9 years old and really, he's going strong. I told him that he has to live until at least 20 years old to bring the cost per year down .... and he promised me he would.
The cost of the meds, procedures, special food, etc., is only money. He puts his trust in me to take care of him and for a cat, gives me unconditional love back. He'll live with his hypercalcemia and continue to give me kitty kisses on the ride home from the vets.
Oliver will beat all the odds. I promise. He promises.
PS - the pics were from last Friday when he told me, "Enough work Mom. Pay attention to MEEE!"
We've had a cat with a heart condition, one with a gastro problem (that we treated for years and years) and now our 3 legged wonder.
ReplyDeleteOliver sounds like he's in good hands and has a good life. Enjoy making memories with him.