Another night at the theatre. Went back to see
The Act again at ABET, and am very glad I did. I saw it the first time 2 weeks ago. While I enjoyed the show then, tonight was much better. It was smoother, and the cast gelled together more. Peg ... wow. Her delivery of lines and her interpretation of lyrics are just wonderful. Two of the dancers also stood out for me - Taylor and J'Royce. Taylor has just returned to Jacksonville (where she grew up) after working as a dancer and choreographer in New York. The first time I saw the show, I thought J'Royce was fabulous. Tonight, Judy (the director) told me that before this show he'd never really danced before. Wow! That's amazing.
This is the link to the review that was in Entertainment U.
Theatre, theatre, theatre... why? Short answer: because I smile for hours after having seen a good show or participating in a show. Theatre is real magic. (Tomorrow night, it's back to Pippin.)
I thought she was a tour d'force. Really well done!