Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26 - Good Day

On some days, there isn't a big positive but an accumulation of little positives. The accumulation type was today. Day started with getting a positive quote from a friend (TJ); then not putting the new managers to sleep with my data presentation (even had them laughing) and didn’t annoy Mr. W with my hyjinks in the New Manager’s Training; good lunch with a friend (CC); back at the office to find that my data feed to Luxury Portfolio made it through their import process (YIPEE!!!!!); finished with just an ok game of bowling but a fun time nevertheless.

I was reminded how amazing people are in that we can be friends, converse, but have totally different opinions on other people in our lives, and how accepting some people can be. Lunch conversation today was awesome.

Tomorrow will be a good day. Finally have an appointment for cervical traction, hoping it will take the pressure off the nerve and my right hand will quit going numb.

Today’s quote is so what I believe: “My Every Thought Is Attracting Its Vibrational Essence... Whether you are thinking about wanted things or unwanted things, you are still sending out a “request” to attract more things like the subject of your thought. And all things that happen to you - all people, things, experiences, situations that come to you - come in response to your Vibrational invitation.” I really do feel, almost to the point of superstition, that how we treat people, how we act, even how we think will bring those things into our lives. If we’re negative, we attract negative. If we’re positive, we attract positive. Even with sports and games – if you’re a good sport and encourage your opponent, you might lose the game, but you can still leave feeling good about it.

Bring the positive into your life.

PS - Isn't that PLUS sign beautiful ..... in that TN Orange???? :-)

1 comment:

  1. I knew there were vibes there, SJR. We were attracted to you from the start!
