Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

Monday, August 31, 2009

31 - Better

Well, today's attitude is better than yesterday. While I didn't get near as much accomplished today as I needed to, I'll be working from home tomorrow thus not wasting time getting ready for work and driving in. It can all be productive time. And, my plans right now are to drive to TN on Wednesday (as originally planned) because if I haven't met my deadline yet, I can work from TN. It's a much prettier view.

Before heading to bowling tonight, I cut out a box for Oliver's litter box to go in for the trip. This will keep litter from going completely all over. Oliver decided it is definately his box. He's been in and out of it since then.

Bowling! Tonight was our registration and the lanes gave us a practice night for free. Only two of us from my team were there tonight, but one other showed up near the end of the evening (having just landed at JIA). It was so, so good to see everyone again, and great to walk in to hugs and "how have you been". The icing on the cake, all 3 of my games were above last year's average. I'll take it! Looking forward to the 14th when our league starts.

Trying to think up a name for our team. I'm leaning towards something with "diva" in the name. Suggestions?



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