Sort of a lazy day. Dealing with a bit of allergies, so the Benadryl (never a full dose at one time) has kept me a little lethargic. That said, I did still get some cooking done; GLR and I caught a movie then managed to bowl almost 3 complete games in an hour. The league that I bowl on starts on Sept. 14th, with a free practice and registration night on Aug. 31st. I want to get some practice in this month so I’m not so rusty to start out. (My bowling today was a few pins above my ending average last season.)
The good news is that I was able to bowl today with no pain in my ankle, well, either ankle. I did not wear a brace on my left ankle, the one I sprained while bowling 11 months ago. (How do you sprain an ankle bowling? Have your slide foot suddenly stick. In fact, I need to get new shoes because I’m still having issues with my slide.) I did wear a brace on my right ankle, the one that was fractured and severely sprained 13 weeks ago. (I haven’t gone a day without a brace on it since it was injured.) So, I’m not worried to start bowling again.
Tomorrow, I’m going to take my ankle brace to work with me but not intending to wear it unless I feel I need it. One of the tests for determining that a severe sprain is healed is being able to jump up and down on that foot 4 or 5 times without pain. I can now do that. My range of motion is the same as my left foot, with only a bit of pain at the furthest part of the range of motion. Time to start letting it handle its job without a brace.
Time for some dinner and sleep. Work begins again tomorrow.
The good news is that I was able to bowl today with no pain in my ankle, well, either ankle. I did not wear a brace on my left ankle, the one I sprained while bowling 11 months ago. (How do you sprain an ankle bowling? Have your slide foot suddenly stick. In fact, I need to get new shoes because I’m still having issues with my slide.) I did wear a brace on my right ankle, the one that was fractured and severely sprained 13 weeks ago. (I haven’t gone a day without a brace on it since it was injured.) So, I’m not worried to start bowling again.
Tomorrow, I’m going to take my ankle brace to work with me but not intending to wear it unless I feel I need it. One of the tests for determining that a severe sprain is healed is being able to jump up and down on that foot 4 or 5 times without pain. I can now do that. My range of motion is the same as my left foot, with only a bit of pain at the furthest part of the range of motion. Time to start letting it handle its job without a brace.
Time for some dinner and sleep. Work begins again tomorrow.
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